What is Pathology?
Simply put Pathology is the study of disease which helps doctors, nurses and GPs diagnose, treat and prevent illnesses.
It is split into many different specialisms and forms a vital part of any hospital by providing the results of tests and supporting doctors in diagnosing conditions.
It’s rare that the public ever sees the complex, behind-the-scenes laboratory tests that are required every day as part of the care the NHS provide to patients.
The speed and accuracy of these tests form a vital link in modern medicine helping to save lives on the frontline of healthcare.
This state-of-the-art building brings the latest technology and equipment to Gateshead and will benefit doctors, GPs and patients from a wide part of the North East including Sunderland and South Tyneside.
Eighty per cent of all pathology work in the South of Tyne region is called ‘cold’ pathology where samples don’t need to be tested immediately. All of this work is now done at the QE.
You can find out more about Pathology and how it works in the UK by visiting www.ilovepathology.org – a website provided by the Royal College of Pathologists.