Intrinsic Factor Antibody IFA.
Sample Type:
2mL Serum (Gel 5mL Yellow tube)
Ref Ranges/Units:
Negative = Normal.
3 Days
Frequency of Analysis: Daily
Special Precautions/Comments:
Interferences: None known
Method: Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA). Calibration: N/A. EQA scheme: UK NEQAS scheme for Intrinsic factor antibody. IQC: Commercial preparation
Additional Information:
Indication: Pernicious anaemia and antral gastritis
Background Information: Antibodies against intrinsic factor (IFA) are seen in 50-70% of patients with pernicious anaemia (PA) [1]. Gastric parietal cell antibodies are considered an appropriated screening test for pernicious anaemia and intrinsic factor antibodies are ideally used to confirm if a GPC has been masked by another antibody (for example anit-mitochondrial antibodies) [1]. There are two types of intrinsic factor antibody that can be detected; type I that block the binding of B12 to intrinsic factor and type II that block the uptake of the intrinsic factor-B12 complex. PA is caused by chronic atrophic gastritis and subsequent reduced absorption of vitamin B12 in the ileum. This results in megaloblastic anaemia and often neurological disorders
References: Khan S, et al. Limited value of testing for intrinsic fcator antibodies with negative gastric parietal cell antibodies in pernicious anaemia. J Clin Pathol. 2009. 62: 439-441. [Ref 1] Toh BH, Aderuccio F. Pernicious anaemia. Autoimmunity. 2004. 37(4):357-361. Cummins D, Ardeman S. Intrinsic factor antibodies and pernicious anaemia. Lancet. 1991. 338:383-384
See Also: Gastric parietal cell antibody (FATS) and vitamin B12 quantitation.
Telephone Gateshead Lab: 0191.4456499 Option 4, Option 1