Yersinia Culture

Special Precautions/Comments:

N.B.  Yersinia culture is an additional test to Enteric/Faeces PCR. This test may be added to samples requesting routine enteric PCR based clinical details provided, this will done by the BMS laboratory staff.

Yersinia culture is recommended for patients with terminal ileitis, mesenteric adenitis, reactive arthritis, or lymphadenitis.

Interferences:  Antibiotics given prior to submitting the sample may affect culture results.

Method:  Culture on selective media. Isolates will be identified using MALDI-ToF. Significant isolates will be tested for antibiotic susceptibility. Significant isolates will be referred to Gastrointestinal Infections Reference Service, UKHSA Colindale for further identification and typing.  Calibration: N/A .  EQA scheme: NEQAS.  IQC: Media batch accepted using culture collections Y. enterocolitica NCTC 12982.

Interpretation:  Results will be reported as Yersinia enterocolitica … isolated or Yersinia species … NOT isolated. Antibiotic susceptibility results will follow. A further report will be made once referral laboratory results are received. Clinical comments will be provided by a Consultant Microbiologist as appropriate.

Additional Information:

Background information: Yersiniosis is a gastrointestinal infection caused by a type of bacteria called Yersinia. The most common Yersinia species causing disease in humans is Yersinia enterocolitica which can cause a range of symptoms including watery diarrhoea, sometimes with blood in stool, severe stomach pain, fever and vomiting.

Symptoms begin 4 to 7 days after acquiring the bacterium. Most people with Yersinia infection recover quickly (within 1 to 3 weeks), often without any treatment. Rarely, Yersinia can cause more severe illness with symptoms lasting up to 8 weeks and require appropriate antibiotics for treatment.

Yersinia bacteria are usually acquired by eating or drinking contaminated food, including undercooked meat, unpasteurised milk products or contaminated water. The bacteria can also spread via person-to-person or direct contact with infected animals.

Keywords: Yersinia, Yersinia enterocolitica, yersiniosis, gastrointestinal, stool, faeces, terminal ileitis, mesenteric adenitis, reactive arthritis, lymphadenitis