Test Lookup Guidance Notes

See our A-Z test index and profiles, allergy profiles, latest tests, request forms and sample requirements online. We offer full commitment to customer service and we are keen to continue developing strong working relationships providing help and support to referring doctors and their practices.


Storage Timeframes below are for guidance only and are developed alonside RCPath guidelines.  Please contact the relevant department for further advice.

Haematology – 1 day (Stability limited for coagulation to 8 hours)

Biochemistry –  3 days

Immunology – 1 month

Microbiology – Dependant on sample type;    Wounds, swabs, urines, sputum, faeces – 1 week,  Tissues and Fluids – 2 months,  Routine bloods – approx. 2 weeks

A - Z of Tests

Code Test Name / Profile Department
JO1 Anti-Jo-1 Immunology view test
AMH Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) Biochemistry view test
ANA Anti-Nuclear Antibody (CTD Screen) Immunology view test
SCL70 Anti-Scl-70 Immunology view test
ASSAY Antibiotic Assay (Other) Microbiology view test
ATIII Antithrombin III Haematology view test
APOB Apolipoprotein B Biochemistry view test
F49 Apple Rast Immunology view test
APTT(R) APTT Ratio Haematology view test
APTT COAG APTTs Haematology view test
GASA Arterial Blood Gas Profile (pH, pCO2, pO2, Base Excess, tCO2 and O2 Sat) Biochemistry view test
ASCFL/BCAF Ascitic Fluid (Micro Culture and Gram) Microbiology view test
M3 Aspergillus fumigatus RAST Immunology view test
AIN Autoimmune Neutropenia Haematology view test
F96 Avocado RAST Immunology view test
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