Test Lookup Guidance Notes

See our A-Z test index and profiles, allergy profiles, latest tests, request forms and sample requirements online. We offer full commitment to customer service and we are keen to continue developing strong working relationships providing help and support to referring doctors and their practices.


Storage Timeframes below are for guidance only and are developed alonside RCPath guidelines.  Please contact the relevant department for further advice.

Haematology – 1 day (Stability limited for coagulation to 8 hours)

Biochemistry –  3 days

Immunology – 1 month

Microbiology – Dependant on sample type;    Wounds, swabs, urines, sputum, faeces – 1 week,  Tissues and Fluids – 2 months,  Routine bloods – approx. 2 weeks

A - Z of Tests

Code Test Name / Profile Department
LACTF Lactate (plasma) Biochemistry view test
LD Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Biochemistry view test
K82 Latex Immunology view test
LEG Legionella antibodies (serum) Microbiology view test
LEGAG Legionella antigen (urine) Microbiology view test
PCR LEGIONELLA Legionella PCR Microbiology view test
LEISH IFA- Leishmania Antibodies Microbiology view test
F208 Lemon RAST Immunology view test
F235 Lentil RAST Immunology view test
CFT Leptospirosis Microbiology view test
LGI1 LGI1= Leucine-rich glioma inactivated 1 - REFERRAL Immunology view test
F306 Lime RAST Immunology view test
GB Line Site Swab Microbiology view test
LINE_TIP Line Tip Microbiology view test
LIPID Lipids (Fasting): Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL and LDL Biochemistry view test
LIP3 Lipids (Non-Fasting): Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL and non-HDL Biochemistry view test
LIPOa Lipoprotein (a) Biochemistry view test
PCR LISTERIA Listeria PCR Microbiology view test
LITH Lithium Biochemistry view test
LIVA Liver Antibodies, LKS Substrate (AMA, SMA, LKM) Immunology view test
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